Energy Export Initiative

We help German middle-sized businesses to increase potential sales of their products, services and technologies in the fields of energy and energy efficiency.

Opening New International Markets with the Energy Export Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

The Energy Export Initiative supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the German energy sector by helping them:

  • Gather market information
  • Evaluate export markets and mitigate risks
  • Establish or deepen business contacts abroad
  • Save time and costs when entering new markets
  • Enhance their visibility as quality providers of "Made in Germany" products

AHK Vietnam assists German companies in successfully establishing their products, services, and technologies in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Vietnamese market and expanding their sales potential.

On behalf of the BMWK, AHK Vietnam implements various projects as part of the Energy Export Initiative.

  • Aims and subject matters
  • Target group
  • Energy Business Trips

Aims and subject matters

Renewable Energies and energy efficiency

Technologies and Know-How to climate-friendly energy supply “made in Germany” are highly demanded worldwide. More and more governments, but also companies in first place, realize that renewable energies and energy efficiency reduce the reliance of fossil resources, contribute to climate protection and help to reduce costs, as well as to strengthen the competitiveness.

Appropriate areas

With a view to position German technologies and Know-How internationally, the Energy Export Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Action (BMWK) enhances supplier of climate-friendly energy solutions to develop foreign markets. The focus is not only on renewable energy and energy efficiency, but also intelligent networks and storage. Also, new technologies as Power to Gas and fuel cells are increasingly improved.

The Energy Export Initiative

The Energy Export Initiative emerged in December 2015 from the founded Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Export Initiative of the BMWK in 2002 and 2007, which evolve into a successful and proven instrument of the foreign trade promotion since the business was formed. The fusion of both initiatives takes account of the fact, that both subject areas are correlated. In addition, the system solutions of international business gain in increasing importance, which are demonstrated more clearly by the technology focus extension of the Energy Export Initiative.

Target group

Particularly, the offer addresses to small- and middle-sized companies and supports the participants with market issues, such as the preparation, exploration, development and protection.

Energy Business Trips


Personal contacts are essential for establishing a successful business relationship in the long-term. The Export Initiative provides business trips to attractive markets. So, you get into conversations with potential clients and international partners on-site and additionally, lay the foundation for your future export intentions.


In preparation for the trip, you receive detailed information to relevant sectors and market participants of the country beforehand. The main part of the 2 to 3 days Energy Business Trip is individual meeting with potential cooperation partners and clients of the destination country. You will determine the target audience for personal conversations. With help of your specifications, we generate an individual conversation program and accompany you to all appointments. Furthermore, we provide you the opportunity to present your company to a broad specialized public at the symposium organized by the AHK. With a selection of events, you get the chance to deepen your knowledge about export and project finance. Moreover, in preparation for your trip, you receive a brief study which gives you an overview of promotion and finance opportunities in the country of destination. Even after your business trip, you will be able to exchange your project intentions with financial experts.

Organisation and costs

The costs for the consultation, contact establishment, as well as assistance on-site and organization is fully financed by the Energy Export Initiative. Only the costs for the business trip and also expenditure on accommodation and board are covered by the participating companies.